Combining Acupuncture & Nutritional Therapy to relieve IBS

If I feel a client will benefit from an additional therapy to work alongside their acupuncture treatment I will refer them to a suitable practitioner. This may be for massage, hypnotherapy, Chinese herbs; or as in the case of Ms P, a young lady who visited me recently, Nutritional Therapy.

Case study

Ms P had been suffering with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome for 8 years, since age 15. She felt a constant, tender discomfort in her stomach and abdomen and frequently experienced trapped wind, bloating and bouts of stubborn constipation. Her energy levels were low all through the day and she had little motivation to exercise or socialise in an evening after work. This was no life for a vibrant young woman!

Acupuncture treatments

After taking a detailed medical history and account of her symptoms I ran the standard checks of her pulse rate and tongue health then began the acupuncture treatments. After her first session, Miss P felt slightly more tired; this is a perfectly normal reaction to acupuncture and is merely a sign of the body’s innate natural healing energies being stimulated.

During the course of 6 sessions I focused the treatment on supporting the motility and tone of Miss P’s digestive tract to relieve pain, bloating and encourage smooth, regular comfortable bowel movements. I also supported her nervous system as she was prone to carrying stress and tension in her stomach and abdomen. There is such a delicate interplay between mood chemicals in the brain and nervous system and the way your digestion works, it is vital to use this holistic approach.

Dealing with Food Intolerances

As the health and function of the digestive system is so strongly influenced by the foods we eat it made sense to refer Miss P to a local Nutritional Therapist (Nutrition in York) to receive advice and support on a suitable diet. I was concerned that she may be intolerant to certain foods which would be aggravating her condition.

The Nutritional therapist carried out a simple blood test and  discovered several food intolerances! She put together a detailed food plan and plenty of meal ideas and recipes for Miss P to try, and advised her to avoid the strong intolerances for at least 3 months.

Ms P gains her life back!

After several weeks of acupuncture treatments and carefully following her Nutrition Plan, Ms P was so pleased to say she really felt she had her life back! Her energy levels blossomed, she began exercising and socialising regularly and her symptoms of pain, bloating and constipation were now part of her past. Ms P is now not only free from dis-ease; she is enjoying optimum health which makes a huge difference to her life. She looks forward to her maintenance acupuncture treatments which keep her relaxed, energised and revitalised!

Would you like to regain your energy and vitality? Do you want freedom from IBS or any other digestive problem? Contact me on 07788 633292 or email at

Image credit: Martin Cathrae

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