“A Brazilian group has shown that electro-acupuncture (EA) can be used to promote labour as efficiently as the prostaglandin analogue misoprostol, but with fewer obstetric complications.
Sixty-seven pregnant women in labour were randomised to receive either electro-acupuncture or misoprostol. Women who received EA experienced significantly fewer obstetric complications, along with a significantly higher frequency of vaginal deliveries.
Although they tended to have a longer duration of labour, there was also a tendency to higher patient satisfaction among patients of the EA group.”
Source: “Electroacupuncture for cervical ripening prior to labour induction: a randomised clinical trial” Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2011 Jun; 283(6):1233-8.
If you are pregnant and want to prepare your body for labour or you are looking for an alternative to medical induction to bring on labour- contact Tiziana Bertinotti on 07788 633292 or info@yorktraditionalacupuncture.co.uk.
To learn more about the benefits of acupuncture to support conception and fertility please visit our Acupuncture for Fertility page.
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